Iustitia Coin IUS preço:

$0.00000175 (+5.70%)
ETH 0.00000000 (+6.47%)
BTC 0.00000000 (+5.75%)
0,000001 € 24h Range 0,000002 €

Iustitia Coin (IUS) Metrics

Valor de mercado Classificação 7931
no data
Todo o tempo alto
0,006518 € 18 Sep 23 % to ATH (387,559.47%)
Volume (24h) Classificação 7397
$142.22 BTC 0.001464
Fornecimento Circulante
no data

Iustitia Coin Gráfico de preços ao vivo

Tabela de Preços

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About Iustitia Coin

Iustitia is the Greek goddess of justice, known in our modern world as the lady of justice. The Greek Iustitia goddess represents moral excellence as her vision was to create laws of justice made by people and followed by people. This is what inspired our Iustitia coin (IUS), a cryptocurrency that will focus on: -Achieving justice to our mother nature. -Massive scale of green initiatives to be executed by people. -Decentralized and can not be controlled by any bank. From here emerged the Iustitia coin (IUS), to be fair to our mother nature, that is a green coin with zero-emission, where no energy is required to mine the coin as it is 100% pre-mined through using green energy. All transactions will be verified by using insignificant power.

Iustitia Coin [IUS] é um criptomoeda com sua própria blockchain.O preço mais atual por uma Iustitia Coin [IUS] is 0,000002 €. Iustitia Coin é listada nas 1 exchanges com a soma de 1 mercados ativos. O volume de 24h [IUS] é 136,35 €, enquanto o Iustitia Coin market cap é 0 € que o classifica como #7931 sobre todas as criptomoedas. Você pode encontrar mais informações sobre Iustitia Coin [IUS] em iustitiacoin.org

IUS Mercados

# Corretora Par Volume (24h) Preço Volume (%) Categoria Taxa Tipo Atualizada
1 $142.23$0.00000175100.000000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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