Kimchi Fights Cancer DRKIMCHI preço:

$0.000317 (-6.64%)
ETH 0.00000009 (-3.57%)
BTC 0.00000000 (-4.81%)
0,000297 € 24h Range 0,000330 €

Kimchi Fights Cancer (DRKIMCHI) Metrics

Valor de mercado Classificação 6985
no data
Todo o tempo alto
0,000577 € 25 Jun 24 % to ATH (89.40%)
Volume (24h) Classificação 6201
$683.41 BTC 0.007071
Fornecimento Circulante
no data Máx .: 2,629,356,060

Kimchi Fights Cancer Gráfico de preços ao vivo

Tabela de Preços

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About Kimchi Fights Cancer

If you’re not totally asleep, you know that the "powers that were" don’t like competition to their business model. Billions are raised every year to “find a cure for cancer.” The same people taking this money are the ones covering up all the natural solutions that already exist. Chemotherapy and other ineffective treatments are fundamentally scams that hurt more people than they help.

Dr. Kimchi wants to raise awareness about, and fund real solutions that already exist.

That’s why we’ve locked up our charity wallet. 21% of all tokens will go towards educating and funding causes that actually help people with this terrible condition.

Kimchi Fights Cancer [DRKIMCHI] é um token baseado em Solana blockchain. O preço mais atual por uma Kimchi Fights Cancer [DRKIMCHI] is 0,000304 €. Kimchi Fights Cancer é listada nas 1 exchanges com a soma de 1 mercados ativos. O volume de 24h [DRKIMCHI] é 655,23 €, enquanto o Kimchi Fights Cancer market cap é 0 € que o classifica como #6985 sobre todas as criptomoedas. Você pode encontrar mais informações sobre Kimchi Fights Cancer [DRKIMCHI] em


# Corretora Par Volume (24h) Preço Volume (%) Categoria Taxa Tipo Atualizada
1 $684.63$0.000317100.000000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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Kimchi Fights Cancer Basics

Estado de desenvolvimento Working product
Org. Estrutura Centralized
Tipo de prova Not mineable
Algoritimo None
Começado 27 April 2024
7 months ago
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)
  • Solana (SOL) Token (4351)
  • Meme Coin (1051)

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