
SLEX is an international centralized cryptocurrency and commodity trading exchange. SLEX offers a range of robust products and services, including AI trading and trading bots, staking, futures trading, and tokenized assets trading, that are tailored for both beginners and experienced traders. The SLEX team is constructing a full-service crypto ecosystem focused on the SLEX Exchange, which provides users with a comprehensive set of tools for efficient trading and access to DeFi via crypto wallet integration. At the heart of the ecosystem is the native utility SLEX ...

إجمالى حجم التداول $113 154 938
1 664.38 BTC
الحجم الزفيري الاحتياطي $107 590 771
العملات 36
الرسوم Link
منظم No
فئة التداول المركزي
الموقع الإلكتروني
حالة الموقع الإلكترونيآخر مراجعة 7 minutes ago
نظام واجهة برمجة التطبيقاتآخر مراجعة 7 minutes ago
الحماية الأمنية
ddos shield

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