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Verus Coin

Verus Coin
VRSCالترتيب 475

$0.857159   (-0.77%)
0.000014 BTC (+1.6%)
0.000275 ETH (+0.34%)
ساعة +0.56 %
أربع و عشرون ساعة -0.77%
أسبوع -5.94%
الشهر -26.21%
سنة +15.3%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


What is Verus (VRSC)?
Verus is scalable public infrastructure for the world. Delivering public
infrastructure services such as blockchain and token creation,
self-sovereign digital identities, DeFi, secure vaults and privacy.
Organizations, companies and entrepreneurs use the rent-free,
decentralized multichain network to build blockchain-based systems,
businesses, products and services.

Launch independent, interoperable, scalable and fully customizable
public or private blockchains with Verus PBaaS (Public Blockchains as a
Service). Ready within minutes. Miners and stakers of the worldwide
Verus network are ready to support your independent blockchain with no
additional cost or effort. ...

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Asset Type coin
عملات مماثلة بواسطة MCapPlatON NetworkPlatON NetworkPONKEPONKEGods UnchainedGods UnchainedEverscaleEverscaleA Hunters DreamA Hunters Dream
Coins Compare

Compare Verus Coin with other crypto assets.

القيمة السوقية الترتيب 475
أعلى سعر وصلته العملة
$65 233 473 1 035.00 BTC
$3.35 01 May 21 % to ATH (291.13%)
العرض المتادول
القيمة خلال ال 24 ساعة الترتيب 5544
76 104 268 (91.00%) الأقصى: 83 540 184
$2 300.15 0.036502 BTC
قيمة / القيمة السوقية خلال ال 24 ساعة
  • نظرة عامة
  • التبادلات / الأسواق 5
  • المحفظة
  • العملات المعدنية المشابهة
  • السيولة
  • تطور الرمز
  • الودجة
  • أكثر ....

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