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? الأقصى: 420 690 000 000 000

PEPE PROTOCOL مخطط السعر المباشر

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WELCOME to the Pepe Protocol. On this journey, we will encourage holders to stake their tokens to receive rewards in staking Dapp. Pepe Protocol will offer excellent APR's in the stake pools, the team also thinks about longevity, so it will be healthy for the project.

With the meme-token season, many people are taking advantage of the hype to profit, but most tokens will probably not survive because they are short-term. This is one of the reasons the team has to be different. We created a rewards protocol with longevity in mind. In addition to seeking the Biggest pump X1000+, holders will also be able to earn a lot from the APR by staking their tokens.

Pepe Protocol will launch on BNB Smart Chain after Fair-Launch on PinkSale. The BSC network was chosen as the main way to trade because it has lower fees and is more inclusive of everyone.Pepe Protocol will launch on BNB Smart Chain after Fair-Launch on PinkSale. The BSC network was chosen as the main way to trade because it has lower fees and is more inclusive of everyone.

PEPE PROTOCOL [PEPEP] هو توكن بدون البلوك شاين الخاص به . السعر الفعلي لواحد PEPE PROTOCOL [PEPEP] is $0. PEPE PROTOCOL مُدرج في تبادلات 0 في مجموع 0 من الأسواق النشطة. الحجم خلال ال 24 ساعة من [PEPEP] هو $0, في حين أن PEPE PROTOCOL القيمة السوقية هي $0 الذي يرتبها ك 'no rank' كل العملات المشفرة يمكنك العثور على مزيد من المعلومات حول PEPE PROTOCOL [PEPEP] في pepeprotocol.app

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حالة التطور Only token
الهيكل التنظيمي
آلية التوافق Not mineable
الخوارزمية None
محفظة الهاردوير Yes
بدأ 17 May 2023
about 1 year ago
الموقع الإلكتروني
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)

العملات المعدنية المشابهة