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Liquor chain

Liquor chain
LCTالترتيب 0

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


The vision of Liquorchain is to, through blockchain technology, build a decentralized and securely encrypted distributional liquor exchange as well as a platform for futures & spot trading and community to connect the digital world with the real world, creating a credible commercial block environment and helping the base wine producers, circulation producers, distributors and alcohol practitioners, the collectors, fanciers and financial institutions more closely participate in the smart economy.

Liquor chain [LCT] هو العملة المشفرة مع البلوكشين الخاص بها.السعر الفعلي ...

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القيمة السوقية
أعلى سعر وصلته العملة
$0.063469 30 May 19
العرض المتادول
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قيمة / القيمة السوقية خلال ال 24 ساعة
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  • التبادلات / الأسواق 0
  • المحفظة
  • السيولة
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