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Centric Swap

Centric Swap
CNSRanking 1602

0,000014 zł   (-2.6%)
0.00000000 BTC (-0.82%)
0.00000000 ETH (-1.1%)
1h -0.19 %
24h -2.6%
Tydzień -13.75%
Miesiąc -21.99%
Rok -16.32%

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Centric Swap (CNS) was first conceived in December 2017. CNS is a Binance Smart Chain-based token that serves as the Centric Network’s on- and off-ramp. Centric Network itself is a dual-cryptocurrency payment network.
CNS can be traded freely on cryptocurrency exchanges and offers users access to Centric Rise (CNR) along with liquidity. A decentralized protocol governs the exchange between these tokens and self-regulates the supply to meet the changes in demand.
The vision of Centric is to alleviate what they see as ...

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Kapitalizacja rynku Ranking 1602
All Time High
0,074531 zł 03 Aug 2020 % to ATH (537 931.45%)
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Wolumen (24h) Ranking 1882
3 640 404 527 (2.00%) Total: 769 502 772 951Max: 152 288 009 882
714 710 zł 2,77 BTC
Wolumen / Kap. rynkowa (24h)
1 417.27%
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