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Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


CoinsPaid is a B2B-oriented business (though it also has a personal crypto wallet), with over 800 merchants. In Q1 2022 the company increased its number of transactions by 128% and volumes by 263% compared to 2021 Q1. In Q2 CoinsPaid crossed the $1 billion per month mark. That means that CoinsPaid became one of the biggest crypto processing services worldwide.

Today CoinsPaid business includes B2B payment gateway which supports more than 30 cryptocurrencies and 20+ fiat currencies, SaaS solution that helps ...

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Рыночная капитализация Ранг 2149
Пик цены
47 368 220 ₽ 8.00 BTC
17.14 ₽ 28 Sep 21 % to ATH (3 259.04%)
Циркулирующее предложение
Объем (24 ч) Ранг 6655
92 808 889 (12.00%) Общее количество: 800 000 000Максимум: 800 000 000
44 207.24 ₽ 0.007302 BTC
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