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Ubiquitium Blockchain

Ubiquitium Blockchain
UQBSıralama 0

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika

Satın alma

A coin for everyone. The words ubiquitous and ubique mean everywhere.
The Ubiquitium Blockchain is about being everywhere and belongs to everyone. Block times are fast at 20 seconds, with a difficulty correction after ten blocks. Mining rewards start at 100 per block and 100% POW. We designed it to half after block 3,153,600, or roughly every two years, with a total coin supply of 630,720,000. This coin is a fork of Litecoin 0.18.1 (the current version) with SegWit active, ...

Asset Type coin
MCap'ten Benzer Madeni ParalarBIT TEAM TOKENBIT TEAM TOKENAngolaAngolaDOGWIFHOOD DOGWIFHOOD GuiderGuideriMe LabiMe Lab
Piyasa Değeri
En Yüksek Zaman
0,214805 ₺ 14 Feb 21 % to ATH (6 761 038.86%)
Dolaşımdaki Adet
hacim (24 saat)
0 ₺
hacim /M cap (24 saat)
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