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UISSıralama 2755

0,146734 ₺   (+73.19%)
0.00000007 BTC (+79.86%)
0.00000143 ETH (+78.11%)
1 saat -0.83 %
24 saat +73.19%
Hafta +85.62%
Ay +150.87%
Yıldızlar +709.1%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika

Satın alma

Unitus comes from the English word United. The name was inspired by the idea of bringing together smaller cryptocurrencies and its communities into a larger group. Unitus runs on multiple algorithms - Lyra2RE2, Skein, Qubit, X11 and Yescrypt. All algorithms can be merge-mined (AuxPoW). There is a 1 minute block time for Unitus with each algorithm having its turn after every 5 minutes. There is no pre-mine or ICO for Unitus and the coins were distributed purely from mining rewards.

Unitus ...

Asset Type coin
MCap'ten Benzer Madeni ParalarStonStonLetItRideLetItRideHandyHandyCnclCnclCubiexCubiex
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Piyasa Değeri Sıralama 2755
En Yüksek Zaman
9 671 624 ₺ 5.00 BTC
1 587,97 ₺ 24 Mar 20 % to ATH (1 082 114.28%)
Dolaşımdaki Adet
hacim (24 saat) Sıralama 8368
65 912 716 Toplam: 65 912 716
1 938,32 ₺ 0,000926 BTC
hacim /M cap (24 saat)
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