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Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika

Satın alma

Clean, Original Code. Custom POW. UTXO Built into Blocks Headers. Truly ASIC, Miner Centralization, and Quantum Tough. No Premining. We're looking for legitimate involvement and interest.

Asic resistant. Aggressive IO based PoW with large deterministic files should be very hard to ASIC in any sort of cost effective way. Increasing file size as hashrate increases means large SSDs and NVMEs will like remain a competitve mining option.

Quantum Tough. It is estimated that a 256-bit elliptic curve (like bitcoin uses) could be ...

Asset Type coin
Piyasa Değeri
En Yüksek Zaman
487,79 ₺ 31 Jan 22 % to ATH (1 999.93%)
Dolaşımdaki Adet
hacim (24 saat)
11 330 050
0 ₺
hacim /M cap (24 saat)
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