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IQNSıralama 2357

2,26 ₺   (+%)
0.00000109 BTC (+%)
0.000022 ETH (+%)
1 saat -0.55 %
24 saat +%
Hafta +%
Ay -39.82%
Yıldızlar -77.12%

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Satın alma

The digital asset IQN is based on Ethereum blockchain as internal currency in games. The first PvP-platform, supporting IQN digital asset’s transactions, was There was an opportunity for users, implementing within the platform, to participate in games and monetize their in-game achievements using IQN digital asset, which was created especially for these purposes.

The IQN project was initiated by an expert in blockchain technology, business analysis and gamedev sphere Vadim Dovguchits. His team have been developing it during 2017-2019.

IQeon [IQN] ...

Asset Type token
Contract Address
MCap'ten Benzer Madeni ParalarGiant MammothGiant MammothShredNShredNKitsumonKitsumonYIN FinanceYIN FinancedFunddFund
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Piyasa Değeri Sıralama 2357
En Yüksek Zaman
12 392 528 ₺ 6.00 BTC
112,34 ₺ 29 Nov 21 % to ATH (4 878.46%)
Dolaşımdaki Adet
hacim (24 saat) Sıralama 10061
5 491 860 Toplam: 5 491 860
70,65 ₺ 0,000034 BTC
hacim /M cap (24 saat)
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