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Lendroid Support Token

Lendroid Support Token
LSTLe Rang 0

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika

Porte monnaie

Lendroid is a 0x-inspired, non-rent seeking, trust-independent, open protocol enabling decentralized lending, margin trading and short selling on the Ethereum blockchain. It aims to solve the shortcomings of centralized exchanges by creating a global shared lending pool, and a symbiotic off-chain infrastructure supported by incentivized participants - Relayers and Wranglers. Simply put, Lenders contribute their offers to the lending pool through relayers, who then match the offers with appropriate traders. The traders can use the borrowed funds to margin trade, ...

Asset Type token
Contract Address
Capitalisation boursière
Tous les temps haut
0,011905 € 24 Apr 18 % to ATH (17 038.03%)
Le Supply en circulation
Volume (24 h)
? Total: 1 210 071 487
0 €
Vol / M boursière (24h)
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