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Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika

Porte monnaie

CBN - this is platform is created to connect business, developers and marketers. Currently, more and more companies need to develop their own software, Android applications, ios, blockchain products. As well as companies and businesses need to promote products and services in the media, the Internet, social networks, etc. Our community of independent developers, marketers and business - makes it easier to find business partners. In a few clicks you can start your project, choose developers or marketers for your ...

Asset Type coin
Capitalisation boursière
Tous les temps haut
47 440 361 € 03 Sep 21 % to ATH (10 459 742 738 365.63%)
Le Supply en circulation
Volume (24 h)
? Max: 1 000 000
0 €
Vol / M boursière (24h)
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  • Échanges / Les marchés 0
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