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Blur Network

Blur Network
BLURLe Rang 9428

0,013047 €   (-0.94%)
0.00000022 BTC (+2.29%)
0.00000438 ETH (+0.78%)
1h -0.21 %
24 h -0.94%
Semaine -1.28%
Mois -23.21%
Année +%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika

Porte monnaie

The Blur Network employs a custom algorithm for mining, called CryptoNight-Dynamic. The algorithm adjusts approximately once every five seconds, with a goal of maintaining CPU advantages over specialized mining hardware. Making use of a Unix timestamp, the current block height, and the previous block’s hash, CryptoNight-Dynamic varies iterations in the CryptoNight algorithm. Employing a timestamp in the calculation serves the purpose of dynamic iterations on an intra-block basis, while height and the previous block’s hash create variation on an inter-block ...

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Capitalisation boursière Le Rang 9428
Tous les temps haut
2,51 € 14 Sep 20 % to ATH (19 155.98%)
Le Supply en circulation
Volume (24 h) Le Rang 9055
? Total: 8 738 339Max: 9 223 300
21,18 € 0,000350 BTC
Vol / M boursière (24h)
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