EXC Cripto
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EXC Cripto


Startup of the digital financial market, we are an Exchange that allows anyone in the world to buy and sell digital assets. The platform has simple navigation for the novice audience and also an advanced Exchange, with graphics and several useful tools that help the most experienced traders. Our greatest mission is to provide a transparent and secure environment for users to make transactions easily and securely.

EXC Cripto has a reported 24h volume of $0 with an Estimated Real Volume of $0 It is a a centralized exchange that offers 0 currencies and has a 0.00% Confidence Score based on our Algorithms.

Volume change
Total Volume $0
Volume ERV
Regulated No
Type Centralized Exchange
Website statusLast check 4 minutes ago
API StatusLast check 4 minutes ago
Security Protection

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* Price / Volume Excluded - Outlier detected
*** Volume Excluded - no fresh data from exchange API