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$0.026010   (-3.34%)
0.00000040 BTC (+0.19%)
0.00000823 ETH (-0.41%)
1 Stunde -0.5 %
24 Stunden -3.34%
Woche +6.94%
Monat -4.75%
Jahr -23.46%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


Vcash shares the same basic network and cryptographic principles as Bitcoin. The code is written in a backwards compatible but modern approach using C++11. It was built over a period of several years using Peercoin's Proof-of-Stake and Bitcoin's Proof-of-Work consensus as a reference implementation, bringing an alternative codebase to the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Vcash [XVC] ist ein/eine Kryptowährung mit eigener Blockchain.Der aktuellste Preis für einen Vcash [XVC] is $0.026010. Vcash ist an den Exchanges von 3 mit einer Summe von 6 aktiven ...

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Marktkapitalisierung Rang 2112
$401 866 6.00 BTC
$1.98 05 Nov 17 % to ATH (7 530.58%)
Umlaufende Versorgung
Volumen (24h) Rang 9638
15 450 703 Total: 15 450 703
$9.17 0.000143 BTC
Vol / M Cap (24h)
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