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Dollar Electrino

Dollar Electrino
USDERank 0

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


Dollar USD-E is a stable token. based on the waves platform. the price is always based on 1 Waves always close to 1 usd. 90% of the profits go to the currency to keep it stable and always above 1 USD and 10% goes to the team.

Dollar Electrino gives its users rewards for %.
Staking your USD-E and earn rewards every week, every Monday.

Dollar Electrino [USDE] is a token based on Waves blockchain. The most actual price for one Dollar Electrino ...

Asset Type token
Contract Address
Market Cap
All Time High
$1.031844 24 Jul 2020 % to ATH (6 051.48%)
Circulating Supply
Volume (24h)
Vol / M Cap (24h)
  • Overview
  • Exchanges / Markets 0
  • Portfolio
  • Liquidity
  • More...

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