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Elevation Token

Elevation Token
EVTRank 0

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The Elevation Token is the official cryptocurrency of the Elevation Platform, it can be used to payment for Goods and services on the Elevation Online Store, it can also be sued to pay tuition fees at the Elevation Academy, it can also be used to pay for advert on the Elevation Platform, it is also listed on the exchange for trading.

Elevation Token [EVT] is a token based on Ethereum blockchain. The most actual price for one Elevation Token [EVT] is ...

Asset Type token
Contract Address
Market Cap
All Time High
$466.08 28 Feb 20
Circulating Supply
Volume (24h)
2 163 833 Total: 500 000 000Max: 500 000 000
Vol / M Cap (24h)
  • Overview
  • Exchanges / Markets 0
  • Portfolio
  • More...

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