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Ankr Reward Earning Staked MATIC

Ankr Reward Earning Staked MATIC
aMATICbRank 0

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


aMATICb represents your staked MATIC and provides liquidity for your staked position.
aMATICb balance in your wallet grows daily to reflect the earned rewards.
Redemption ratio is always 1 aMATICb = 1 MATIC.
You can unstake it anytime and receive your stake and earned rewards after the ~3–4 days unbonding period.
While staking, you can also use aMATICb for trading and other DeFi opportunities.

Ankr Reward Earning Staked MATIC [aMATICb] is a token based on Ethereum, Binance Coin, Polygon blockchain. The most actual price for ...

Asset Type token
Contract Address
Market Cap
All Time High
Circulating Supply
Volume (24h)
Vol / M Cap (24h)
  • Overview
  • Exchanges / Markets 0
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